뉴스레터 2021년 11월호
2021-11-23 by ISPE Korea
2021년 하반기 의약품 허가업무 온라인 설명회 자료
심각한 중증질환 또는 희귀질환을 치료하기 위한 목적으로 사용되는 의약품 중 총리령으로 정하는 의약품에 대하여 품목 조건부 허가를 할 수 있는 법적 근거 마련. [약사법] 제35조 개정 ('21.7.20 개정, '22.1.21 시행)
바이오의약품 전문수탁 제조업체 GMP평가 절차(공무원지침서) 개정
국내 바이오의약품 수출지원, 글로벌 백신 허브 구축 등을 위하여 '바이오의약품 전문수탁 제조업체 GMP 평가 절차'를 개정하였음을 알려드리니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
[의약품 제조 및 품질관리에 관한 규정] 일부개정 고시
GMP 가이드라인
Pharmaceutical Components at Risk for Melamine Contamination: Guidance for Industry
This guidance is intended to alert pharmaceutical manufacturers of finished products, pharmacy compounders, repackers, and suppliers to the potential risk of melamine contamination in pharmaceutical components.
Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Phase 1 Investigational Drugs
This guidance is intended to assist in applying current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) required under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) in the manufacture of most investigational new drugs (IND) used in phase 1 clinical trials.
ISPE 국내외 소식
Pharmaceutical Engineering (11-12월호 한글판)
November-December 2021 / Volume 41, Number 6
- Ai's Promise for ATMPS
- Supporting Scalable Cell Therapy Using Allogeneic Workflows
- Personalized Medicine: The Industry's Future
- Changing Lives with Gene Therapies
- Today's Pharma and Biotech Projects: A Phased Approach
- ISPE Launches ATMP Community of Practice
- 2021 ISPE Biotechnology Conference and Workshop Cell and Gene Therapies Star in Conference Keynotes
- Implementing Low ph Viral Inactivation in a Continuous Process
Upcoming Conferences
ISPE Expert Xchange: Risk Based Decision Making: Advancing the Integration of QRM & KM
2 December 2021
Virtual Session
2021 ISPE Pharma 4.0 & Annex 1 Conference
8 - 9 December 2021
Vienna, Austria
2022 ISPE Facilities of the Future Conference
1 - 2 February 2022
North Bethesda, MD
Guidance Documents
APQ Guide: Management Responsibilities & Review (MRR)
Published: November 2020
Pages: 162
Member Price: $215.00
Non-Member Price: $515.00
Good Practice Guide: IMP Reverse Logistics
Published: August 2021
Pages: 56
Member Price: $295.00
Non-Member Price: $595.00
GAMP Good Practice Guide: Enabling Innovation
Published: September 2021
Papes: 102
Member Price: $295.00
Non-Member Price: $595.00
광고문의 TEL. 043-213-0442 E-MAIL. ispe@hanmail.net
ISPE Korea Affiliate | Office : 충북 청주시 흥덕구 직지대로 530, 702호 (송정동, 청주테크노S타워)