뉴스레터 2013년 1월호
2013-01-07 by ISPE Korea
ISPEAK 2013년 1월호
1) Drug Safety Information –FDA’s Communication to the Public DRAFT GUIDANCE submitted within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. Submit comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register. Continue reading
2) Microbiological Pharmaceutical Quality Control Labs (7/93) QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORIES personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does not confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).
2. GMP 소식 1) 의료기기의 허가‧신고‧심사 등에 관한 규정 일부개정고시안 행정예고
식품의약품안전청 공고 제2012-265호 「첨단의료복합단지 지정 및 지원에 관한 특별법」에 따라 첨단의료복합단지 입주의료연구개발기관의 의료기기 허가를 지원하고, 부령 위임에 따라 중고의료기기 검사필증 면제대상 및 판매업 신고가 면제되는 자가진단용 의료기기를 규정하려는 것임 Continue reading
2) FDA Drug Safety Communication: Serious skin reactions after combination treatment with the Hepatitis C drugs Incivek (telaprevir), peginterferon alfa, and ribavirin reports of serious skin reactions, some fatal, in patients taking the hepatitis C drug Incivek (telaprevir) in combination with the drugs peginterferon alfa and ribavirin (Incivek combination treatment). Significantly, some patients died when they continued to receive Incivek combination treatment after developing a worsening, or progressive rash and systemic symptoms (symptoms affecting the entire body).
1) ISPE 한국지부 송년회 ‣ 일시 : 2012년 12월 17일 (오후 5시) ‣ 장소 : 충북 오송 ‣ 안건 : 2012년 성과 보고 및 2013년 계획 논의 ‣ 참석 : ISPE 한국지부 회장 및 운영위원
2) ISPE Announces 2012 Award Winners at Global Annual Meeting award winners at the Society’s Annual Meeting held in San Francisco, Calif. USA 11 – 14 November. Recognizing the awardees’ contributions to ISPE and to the pharmaceutical industry, Nancy S. Berg, President and CEO, presented the honors on behalf of the ISPE Board of Directors.
※ 한국지부를 통해 가입할 경우 세금계산서 발행이 가능하며, 부가세 및 대행수수료가 포함되어 있습니다 2) 스폰서 구분
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ISPE Korea Affiliate | Office : 충북 청원군 오창읍 중심상업로 14 대운프라자 502호 |