뉴스레터 2013년 12월호
2014-02-14 by ISPE Korea
ISPEAK 2013년 12월호
♣ GMP 소식 ♣
식품의약품안전처 공고 제2013-273호
Warning Letters 2013 These letters are supplied by the CDER Freedom of Electronic Information Office. This page only covers Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (formerly Division of Drug Marketing. A dvertising and Communications) and CDER Headquarters Warning Letters. Continue reading ♣ 가이드라인 소식 ♣
Expiration Dating and Stability Testing of Solid Oral Dosage Form Drugs Containing Iron (PDF-89KB) This guidance describes how manufacturers and packagers affected by the final rule that published in the Federal Register (62 FR 2218) on January 15, 1997, requiring label warning statements and unit-dose packaging for solid oral drug products that contain 30 milligrams (mg) or more of iron per dosage unit, may meet stability and expiration dating requirements. Continue reading Guide to Inspections of Sterile Drug Substance Manufacturers One of the more difficult processes to inspect and one which has presented considerable problems over the years is that of the manufacture of sterile bulk drug substances. Within the past several years, there have been a number of batches of sterile bulk drug substances from different manufacturers which exhibited microbiological contamination. One manufacturer had approximately 100 batches contaminated in a 6 month time period. Another had approximately 25 batches contaminated in a similar period. Other manufacturers have had recalls due to the lack of assurance of sterility. Although the Inspection Guide for Bulk Drug Substances provides some direction for the inspection of the sterile bulk drug substance, it does not provide the detailed direction needed. Continue reading ♣ ISPE 국내, 외 소식 ♣
ISPE 한국지부 이사회 개최 ▷ 일시 : 2013. 12. 13(금) ▷ 안건 : 2013년도 사업보고 및 2014년도 사업계획
2013년 하반기 정기교육 실시 ▷ 교 육 명 : ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 3 (2nd Edition, Sept, 2011) ▷ 교육일자 : 2013. 11. 21(목) 09:30~16:30 ▷ 교육강사 : 이정길 자문관 (식품의약품안전처) ▷ 교육장소 : 차세대융합기술연구원
2013년 ISPE 노동부 중소기업 컨소시엄 무료교육 실시 ▷ 교 육 명 : Basic Current Good Manufacturing Practice(CGMP) Course ▷ 교육일자 : 2013. 12. 04(수) ~ 05(목) ▷ 교육강사 : 이정길 자문관(식품의약품안전처) ▷ 교육장소 : 충북직업능력개발원
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