뉴스레터 2014년 06월호
2014-06-24 by ISPE Korea
ISPEAK 2014년 06월호
◇ ◇ GMP소식 ◇◇
KGMP소식 [비임상시험관리기준 해설서]
신약개발 연구기관 및 비임상시험실시기관 연구자와 비임상시험관리기준 조사관의 업무에 대한 이해도를 높이고자 「비임상시험관리기준」(식품의약품안전처 고시 제2014-67호, 2014.2.13)의 내용을 알기 쉽게 설명한 "비임상시험관리기준 해설서"를 발간하였습니다.
[ Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions] "~Implementation of the Q4B annexes is intended to avoid redundant testing by industry. For general information on the Q4B process, the reader is referred to the core guidance Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions.~"
◇ ◇ 가이드라인소식 ◇◇
Good Laboratory Practice Regulations Questions and Answers The FDA published Good Guidance Practices in February 1997. This guidance was developed and issued prior to that date. Additional copies are avalilable from : Office of Training and Communications Division of Communications Management Drug Information Branch, HFD-210 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857
Topical Drug Products The purpose of this guide is to provide field investigators, who are familiar with the provisions of the Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations for pharmaceuticals, with guidance on inspecting selected facexts of topical drug product production. The subjects covered in the guide are generally applicable to all forms of topical drug products, including those that are intended to be sterile. However, this guide does not address every problem area that the investigator may encounter, nor every policy that pertains to topical drug products.
◇ ◇ ISPE 국내외소식 ◇◇
PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING MAY/JUNE 2014 VOLUME34, NUMBER3 ▷ A Changing Landscape : Perspectives on Temperature Management for the Distribution of Non-Refrigerated Clinical ▷ Change Notifications for Single Use Components : Criteria from an End User Perspective ▷ How Dose Strategic Planning Help to Mitigate Risks in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain ▷ Transfer Station Design for Large Scale API Manufacture(Part One) ▷ Defining Holistic Asset Criticality to Manage Risk ▷ To Investigate the Antimicrobial Potential of Lucilia sericata Larvae 유료회원에게 무료로 보내드립니다(번역완료, 7월중 배송예정)
2014 오송 국제바이오산업엑스포 국제학술회의 개최 ▷ 명칭 : 한국유전자세포치료학회 및 국제제약공학회 국제공동 심포지엄 (International Co-Symposium of KSGCT and ISPE) ▷ 기간 : 2014.10.10 ~ 2014.10.11 (2일간) ▷ 장소 : 엑스포장 내 컨벤션장(C&V센터) ▷ 주관 : ISPE 한국지부, 한국유전자세포치료학회
Upcoming Conferences Investigational Products in a Global Environment
2014 Pharma EXPO
ISPE events offer a wide range of industry- and career-advancing opportunities. Network and problem-solve with top pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry figures, learn about important industry topics, meet with suppliers, and share best practices with colleagues.
◇ ◇ 연간 회원 및 스폰서 안내 ◇◇
회원가입 안내
스폰서안내 (단위 : 천원)
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ISPE Korea Affiliate | Office : 충북 청원군 내수읍 덕암길 10 충북보건과학대학교 |