뉴스레터 2014년 10월호
2014-10-24 by ISPE Korea
ISPEAK 2014년 10월호
◇◇ GMP소식 ◇◇
♣ KGMP소식 「생물학적 동등성시험실시기관 지정에 관한 규정」일부개정고시(안) 행정예고 「생물학적 동등성시험실시기관 지정에 관한 규정」(식품의약품안전처 고시 제2013-209호, 2013. 8. 29.)을 일부 개정함에 있어 국민에게 미리 알려 의견을 수렴하고자 그 취지, 개정 이유 및 주요내용을 「행정절차법」 제46조에 따라 다음과 같이 공고합니다. Continue Reading
의약품 등의 제조업 및 수입자의 시설기준령 시행규칙 일부개정령(안) 입법예고 식품의약품안전처 공고 제2014 - 303호
◇◇ 가이드라인소식 ◇◇
♣ Non-Penicillin Beta-Lactam Drugs : A CGMP Framework for Preventing Cross-Contamination (PDF-70KB) This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate number listed on the title page of this guidance.
♣ Computerized System in Drug Establishments Computers are being used in increasing numbers in the pharmaceutical industry. As microprocessors become more powerful, reliable, and less expensive we can expect the proliferation of this technology, with increasing use by even very small pharmaceutical establishments. Computer systems are used in a wide variety of ways in a pharmaceutical establishment, such as, maintenanceof quarantine systems for drug components, control of significant steps in manufacturing the dosage form, control of laboratory functions, management of warehousing and distribution activities. Computer systems may control one or more of these phases, either singly or as part of a highly automated integrated complex.
◇◇ ISPE 국내외소식 ◇◇
♣ 한글판 PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 VOLUME34, NUMBER 5 ▷ The Use of Process Capability to Ensure Pharmaceutical Product Quality by Thomas Garcia, PhD, Roger Nosal, and Kim Vukovinsky ▷ Investigation of New Level Technologies in Single Use, Disposable Systems by David Ladoski and Dan Klees ▷ PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING Interviews Chi-WChen, Executive Director Global CMC, Pfizer by Linda Evans O'Connor and Jean Poulos ▷ Incorporating Lean Principles into Pharmaceutical QC Laboratory Design by Mike Dockery, Federico Gabardi, Javier Garay, Jim Gazvoda, Luke Kimmel, Pietro Orombelli, Christophe Peytremann, Tom Reynolds, Tanya Scharton-Kersten, Graham Shoel, and Jeanne Sirovatka ▷ A Framework for Implementing Stage 3 Continued Process Verification for Legacy Products by Bikash Chatterjee and Wai Wong 유료회원에게 무료로 보내드립니다 (11월중 배송예정)
♣ 2014년 ISPE 한국지부 하반기 정기과정
▷ 과정명 : The Latest CGMP trends for Drugs & Biologics : Risk-based & Quality System Approach focusing on Enhanced Process/Product Understanding (ICH Q8-Q11) ▷ 교육일시 : 2014.11.27 (목) 09:30~16:30 ▷ 교육강사 : 이정길 (WHO) ▷ 교육비 : 25만원 (유료회원15만원) ▷ 교육장소 : 차세대융합기술연구원 세미나룸1 (경기도 수원시 소재) ▷ 교육신청 : www.ispe.or.kr ▷ 기타 : 세금계산사 발급, 수료증, 중식, 교재, 주차권 제공
♣ Upcoming Global Event
2014 Pharma EXPO ISPE - DIA Workshop on Computer Systems Compliance 2015 Aseptic Annual Conference 2015 ISPE Europe Annual Conference 2015 Pharma Quality Week
◇◇ 연간 회원 및 스폰서 안내 ◇◇ ♣ 회원가입 안내
♣ 스폰서안내 (단위 : 천원)
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ISPE Korea Affiliate | Office : 충북 청원군 내수읍 덕암길 10 충북보건과학대학교 |